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Help Support The Mission:

As you likely already know, these tools aren't all cheap and one man can never affordably purchase them them all while still putting food on the table. So, here are a couple of ways we can expedite the process without it starving anyone out of house & home.

Check out the current fundraisers, it's likely the light you're interested in has already been requested and requires further funding. Make a contribution of your choosing, leave your contact details and we'll be in touch as soon as the goal is reached!

If you're not sure or don't have a particular interest in any specific light but feel that the cause is worthy enough of a donation then please feel free to do so. These donations will be contributed towards the purchase the most demanded lights as well as any expenses inured during the creation of this platform, such as hosting, domain, equipment etc.

If you just want to buy a flashlight that matches your criteria that's fine, go ahead and use the search facility. But hey, if you're buying anyway why not contribute something toward this cause and buy from the affiliated stores? Every penny captured is channeled straight back into The Mission!

Couldn't find what I want

Other Suggestions

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